در نامه اي از سوي معاون سياسي و امنيتي استاندا؛
عملكرد شهرداري قزوين در دهه فجر «بسيارخوب» ارزيابي شد
بر اساس اعلام دفتر امور اجتماعي حوزه معاونت سياسي و امنيتي به عنوان مسئول كميته ارزيابي عملكرد ستاد بزرگداشت دهه فجر، عملكرد شهرداري قزوين در دهه فجر «بسيار خوب» ارزيابي شد.
The Municipality Public Relations Department, Qazvin, in the context of a letter by the Social Affairs Department as political and security committee responsible for evaluating staff celebrate Fajr Azsvy Saberi, political and security deputy governor issued, states: municipalities province city particular municipality province, despite its financial problems than many and varied programs and also suitable for building decoration and space these days in "very good" have acted in the coming years we hope that with better programs in Other ceremonies brighter act.
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